Wednesday, April 15, 2009

1 Year and Counting

And so the milestone has come, or milestone for me anyways...

Today marks the day that my boyfriend and I have been together for 1 year. Although many people look as this as no big deal, this is a huge feat for me, as I have not been known to be a relationship person.

Prior to Stuart and I dating, 3 months was a long relationship for me, and by that 3 months I was so bored of you that I never wanted to see you again. Hence, why today is a milestone in my books!

Many friends, family, co-workers, etc. laugh at me saying that it is impossible to make a relationship like ours work, that it was doomed from the beginning, or that we just live to far apart to even bother. I like to think that we have proved those people wrong. Dont get me wrong it is hard, and even trying at times. But the good days far out weigh the difficult ones...

Hopefully today makes the first of many anniversary's for the two of us, and that all of you will be there along the way to help us celebrate!

Stuart & I at Lloyd Bulls sale in March


crystal.cattle said...

Congrats! Tell Stuart that I think he is an ok guy...

Dee said...

Congratultaions. Hope there are manymore celebrations for the two of you.

Dee said...

Congratultaions. Hope you have a lot more things to celebrate in the future.