Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Calving 2011 Update

Calving is just about wrapped up on the farm. As of this morning there is only 9 more to calf, and 2 of them are gonna pop any day now.

To this point things have went extremely well. We did lose a set of twins early on, but other then that everything has come healthy and alive. With the tempeture swings that we have been having this year (-40 to +10) it is the perfect way for calves to get sick. It is important to stay on top of things, but we have been luck, and have not had to treat many calves at all.

With a good portion of the calves being at least 6 weeks old, you can really start to tell what they are going to look like. Our biggest sired group of calves this year are the Revolutions. Last year we got all heifers, and this year we are getting majority bulls. There is one pretty special Revolution heifer this year, and you will probably see her somewhere later on if she keeps developing as well as she is now.

A new sire group that we have this year is In Dew Time. We have a total of 5 calves out of this bull, 4 heifers and 1 bull. It is a little funny to get a bull calf, as we used sexed female semen. It just goes to show that you can do all the planning in the world, and sometimes things still do not turn out right! I really like these calves, especially the heifers. They have tons of style right now, yet still keep the muscle that Simmentals are known for.

Here are some new pictures of the calves. Out of everyone at the farm I see the most change in the calves as I do not see them everyday. It is amazing to see the growth and change in the calves every other weekend when I am out.

Redman bull calf
This is a Joker x 2N bull. We showed his full brother last fall.
The best ones to see at home are the ones that are still quiet to pet

I love the curious calves.
We have 2 in the 2yr old pen that you can play with

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